Thursday, May 15, 2008

Of Shield and Spear

I trust your journey to the Pelennor System will go smoothly. I have thought long and hard about what this means...

How Achilles has progressed. He is nearly at I.I status. No longer a V.I, he is not content to run simulations of his Homeric namesake. He has taken form, and his viral pestilence is far worse than we could have imagined. I have to wonder, though, how far his diseased machination [N] will burn into Jovian space. When ROAGE built the shields, he meant for them to hold. At least for a time.

I will return to Earth; there is something that requires my most pressing attention. Stay well. Stay true.

Remember the massacre at Ephos.

Remember why we fight.

And why we will die.

- 1138.

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